Indonesia Tightens Enforcement of MedicalDevice Licensing
With the implementation of RegulationNo. 60, 2017 on February 1st, 2018 the Indonesia governmenttightened enforcement of medical device licensing requirements.
Formerly, compliance for imported medicaldevices was confirmed during the customs clearance process by Customs andExcise Department officials. Now the Ministry of Health is authorized to extendconfirmation through inspection at medical device distributors (AKA,Post-Border monitoring).
Any devices without proper licensing mayresult in re-exportation or destruction at the importers expense. Further,distributors in possession of improperly licensed devices may have theirDistribution License suspended. The move is expected to increasecompliance with the medical device registration requirements.
希望在印尼取得销售成功,可以考虑电子目录公告作为一个重要方法。这个在线采购系统的建立是为了使政府采购透明化、防止腐败,包括被印尼政府物品和服务采购组织 (LKPP)管理的公立医院。
Indonesia’s e-Catalogue System Overview
An important, new consideration to salessuccess in Indonesia is the e-Catalogue listing. This on-line procurementsystem was established to bring transparency and prevent corruption ingovernment purchases, including public hospitals, as administered by theIndonesian Government Goods and Services Procurement Organization (LKPP).
Although initiated in 2013, it took partiessome time to understand the implication on sales. At first, companies seemedweary to participate in the voluntary system. Those that did enjoyed strongsales results and so now there is a rush for all to be listed.
After an Import License for a device isissued, the License Holder can apply to the Ministry of Health for ane-Catalogue listing meeting at which the listing price will be negotiated. Arequired element for the meeting is a commercial invoice from at least onedevice shipment to Indonesia. Price negotiations are for a percentage mark-upfrom the invoiced landed cost typically between 25% to 35%. There is nogovernment application fee for the application process, but the queue can be 6months or longer for the price negotiation meeting.
Implementing an optimal pricing strategywill be critical to successful public hospital sales. The e-Catalogue systemalso increases the importance of independent license holding in Indonesiabecause there is little room for regional dealer margin under the price scheme.
麦祥印尼咨询服务有限公司(PT Medwheat Indonesia)是麦祥国际全球分支之一,是中国第一家全资驻印度尼西亚的医疗器械技术咨询服务公司,公司可以帮助中国企业进行Izin Edar申报(有源/无源/IVD注册),可以为中国企业提供从印尼语翻译、注册审评沟通、经销商介绍、注册证持证等一条龙服务。